The International Steam Pages

Ransomes, Sims, Jefferies Engines in Burma

This is part of a series of pages covering the known steam engine manufacturers for Burma. Click here for the full list.

Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies were based in Ipswich, England. Their products may carry an inscribed 'RSJ' on the valve chest cover which assists identification.

This small engine is from a former portable and was found in Irrawaddy Division in 2005:

Another one of their former portables was found in Mon State in 2009:

This medium sized engine was a discovery in Irrawaddy Division in 2005. We saw it working the following year.

At the other end of the scale is this tandem compound, found in Irrawaddy Division in 2009, I thought at first sight it was a Marshall:

However, it turned out it was a very different creature to what I imagined as the governor was bevel driven:

The 'RSJ' was the give away... It was a pig to photograph in the undersized engine room and just as difficult to capture on video before it was stopped for lunch.

Click here for the full list of known steam engine manufacturers for Burma.

Rob and Yuehong Dickinson
